Friday, August 10, 2012

My {New} Hair Style Part II

Happy Friday friends! It's {SS} here-

So on Wednesday I headed to Haven Salon in Uptown for a big hair makeover. It was definitely time.  When I got home, I shared some before and during pictures and today I'm finally sharing the after photos :) 
If you missed Part I you can read it here

Also, today is the third day of the new 'do and I have mixed feelings... 
On Day 1: I loved it; On Day 2: I hated it; On Day 3 (today): I just like it...

I will note however, that I've been pretty lazy the last two days and except for a little bang shaping (bangs this short are a new thing for me!) this morning (stay tuned for the SWEET trick I learned about that), I've put pretty much zero effort into my hair. So, with time, effort, and a bit of color fading, I hope know that I will grow to love it :)  

This lovely lady from the Boden catalog/website was my inspiration. 

{ Source }
I didn't want to go quite as short (but now think maybe I should have?) but otherwise we pretty much tried to replicate this look... I'm even thinking of buying that shirt!

Here you can see the color... I opted out of my usual balyage for a shiny, dark all over reddish (the boys I nanny for say, "it's not red, it's purple-brown"). 

So, I think it works, or at least can work, right?! I bet if I try hard enough I can even make it look like the model... (her name is Helena by the way... I only know that because Boden lists the names of their models in the catalogs which I love!). 

I can't believe this is me... I can't quite get used to it!! Ah!!!

Also, she dyed my eyebrows to match which I was a bit resistant to do but actually am loving... I haven't had to pencil them in for 2 days!!! Wahoo!!!

xo, SS


  1. Thank you Alyssa- It's a bit dramatic and definitely a change, but I'm growing to like the color. I'm looking forward to getting together sometime soon! xo, SS


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