At first, we didn't talk much but once we did we discovered we had a lot in common...
* Brown curly hair and brown eyes (no, not sisters!)
* A weakness for Hugh Laurie, DQ mini blizzards, Samoa girl scout cookies and trashy magazines!
* Awkward dance moves (SS thinks they're “cool” but KH knows better).
* A {mild-ish} obsession with Pinterest.
* A love for all things fashion, style and design
SS is a college grad with a BA in Psychology. For years she wanted to work with kids in a hospital but then decided it was not for her. She is currently pursuing her MA in Education. SS is also trying to recover from a slight brand addiction... she's getting better, and has actually become a bit of a spending scrooge after taking a class on women & money and becoming a budgetaholic. She never leaves home without wearing MAC prunella eyeliner, her new watch, and at least two bracelets (part of her “new style” and her staples.
SS's new style goals?: A“purposefully styled” new take on the classics with punches of color, pattern mixing and accessories added in to mix things up a little.
SS's new style goals?: A“purposefully styled” new take on the classics with punches of color, pattern mixing and accessories added in to mix things up a little.

The two of us met working retail a few years ago. SS often came into work, took one look at all the stylishly dressed employees (especially KH) and remarked, “I need a new style!”. This became a running joke and common conversation between the two of us and we began referring to things as NS (new style) and OS (old style).
Once, SS was talking to a customer about sending holiday cards and the woman told her to wait until she was “independently wealthy”. Since that day it has become somewhat of a mantra, “Oh, I’ll do that one day...when I am independently wealthy. It will be part of my NS.”
We have both recently begun new chapters in our lives and realized our old style just wasn’t cutting it. The challenge arose: how does one go about cultivating a {New Style} when they aren’t “independently wealthy”? We’ll show you how via My New Style Blog!